Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Fackin Christmuz...

Ok well looking at my calender I reckon its about time for a seasonal rant about the commercial fiasco that is Christmas. Thats what you'd think, but despite what you might have heard i do have an original bone in my body and i'm well aware that every two bit tv-guide hack and blogger is going to be on this one this week. So here's a picture of an incredibly cute squirrel instead.

Oh my god look at it's EARS for fux sake!

Aside from typing swear words in Google images and seeing what comes up (see below for my fave) I've been getting in the festive spirit by watching ludicrous amounts of daytime tv and drinking brandy coffee for breakfast. this is of course to avoid the horrors of town (here in Maidenhead this week) which is bloody awful at the best of times let alone at this time of year. and the warming properties of brandy make Fern and Phillip even better!

Merry Fackin' Chriztmuz!


Monday, December 19, 2005

Some old photos of Brighton...

The palace pier.

The west pier in a storm.

A Nouveau postcard

Some 70s wronguns smashing a piano on the level.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Playmobil Jakey!

I swear on my grave this is real! I'm sure i would have greatly benefitted of playing with more alcoholics as a child (excluding family members of course).

I love the way the copper's evicting the poor bastard with a sword! He may be a Prussian officer engaged in a little ethnic cleansing i suppose.

I have not managed to write this blog for some time as i have been resigned to using internet cafes and the hallowed eaves of brighton uni, formally polytechnic, for my internet access. Also i have better things to do that write crap on the interweb. I can't remember what hese things are right now but i'm sure thay wil come. I can't imagine that any readers will give an enormous fuck about this but i feel i should be making more of an effort.

Anyway grovelling aside if anyone can come up with any other bizarre toys, Duplo hoookers, Lego crackheads or anything, keep it to yourself eh.